Easy anchoring starts with a Lewmar windlass
Whether you own a small fishing boat, a 160ft cruiser or a mid-size sailboat,
Lewmar has a windlass designed to fit your exact needs. Each one is crafted with
durability, convenience and affordability in mind. Both our vertical and
horizontal designs are sleek and attractive to complement your boat.

Vertical vs Horizontal Winches ?
Vertical systems have several advantages: They take up less space on deck and
are easier to maintain. They are less expensive than equivalent horizontal
models. Chain alignment for smooth chain retrieval, while important, is not as
critical as horizontal windlass alignment. With vertical systems more chain is
in contact with the chainwheel thus avoiding the possibility of chain jump.
Line-pull on the warping drum can be in any direction, as opposed to fore and
aft only on horizontal models.
Horizontal models have the advantage of being better suited to applications
where there is limited below deck space / accessibility, extreme deck thickness
(over 200mm - 8"), or where two anchors must be handled from one winch.
Frequently Asked Questions
What’s the difference
between a pro-series windlass and a pro-fish windlass?
They are the same except the pro-fish has the automatic free-fall as
standard. This is an optional extra on the pro-series windlass.
What if my windlass
does not have a solenoid, can I still use a wireless remote?
Yes. But you would have to purchase and fit a solenoid & rocker
switch. Some of the small Lewmar / Simpson & Lawrence products are
supplied without a solenoid. These units have the windlass power
switched directly through a high current toggle switch. The high
current toggle switch should be removed and replaced with a solenoid &
rocker switch. The wireless remote can then be wired to the solenoid
in parallel with the rocker switch.
Can I fit a chain
counter to my windlass?
Yes. V1/2/3/4/5 & H2/3, come with magnet and sensor fitted as
standard. In most cases older Lewmar windlasses are pre-drilled to
take magnets and sensors. Lewmar have a range of chain counters for
use with our windlasses,
Should I use a chain
stopper when anchoring?
Yes. Lewmar recommends that when mooring, the rode is attached to a
suitable strong point. If using a rope / chain rode then the rope
should be tied off to a cleat or suitable strong point. If using a
chain only rode then a chain stopper should be used. If the load is
left on the windlass during mooring, shock loads could lead to damage
of rode or the windlass. With rope rodes left under load in the gypsy
the rope can get jammed into the gypsy causing damage to the stripper
& rode when next operated. There is also a risk that the clutch nut
could come loose causing the boat to slip its mooring.
Can a Gypsy Only Deck
Unit be converted to Gypsy Capstan Unit?
Yes, it is possible to convert any of the H2/3, Concept / Ocean 1/2/3
and V2/3/4/5 range deck units to, or from a Gypsy Capstan. All you
need to do is drop/remove the motor gear box. Take the circlip of the
bottom of the shaft and replace it with the new shaft and then replace
the circlip and motorgear box. You should not have to remove the deck
What type of rope can
be used on a combined rope/chain anchor rode?
Lewmar recommends a premium quality, windlass grade, medium lay,
3-strand nylon rope or a premium multi-plait nylon anchor rode. There
are many different rode applications based upon windlass, anchor size,
rode length and the anchor locker's depth and volume. For a list of
recommended rode choices for your Lewmar windlass please see selection
guide below.
Some of the Lewmar
windlasses have fall-safe. How do I use it, why do I need it?
Fall safe is a safety feature we have added to our new products. It is
used in two ways. When the anchor is stowed, Fall-safe should be
engaged to stop accidental deployment of the anchor. For windlasses
not fitted with Fall-safe, an anchor safety strap or similar should be
used. Fall-safe pawl should also be engaged during manual recovery to
act as a ratchet.
Can I use a wireless
remote with my windlass?
Yes. Lewmar have recently added a 3 button windlass & 5 button
windlass / thruster wireless remote to its range. These can be used on
any windlass / thruster that is operated via a solenoid. The wireless
remote is simply wired in parallel with the standard switch.
Can I fit a chain
counter to my Pro-series?
Due to the size and construction of the Pro-Series, it is not prepared
for the installation of a chain counter. This does not stop the
enthusiastic owner having ago but Lewmar cannot help with the
installation or provide recommendations.
Can I get the anchor up
if I lose power?
Most Lewmar windlasses have a manual recovery option however the
method varies across the product ranges. Some Lewmar windlasses have
built in manual recovery and others require an emergency manual
recovery kit. Please consult your windlass manual for clarification.
Can I drop the anchor
without having to power it down?
Yes, all Lewmar windlasses have a manual free fall function as
standard. To free fall the anchor, you simply manually undo the top
nut half a turn. This releases the gypsy allowing it to free wheel.
You can control the speed or stop the descent by re-tightening the top
nut. Some of the larger windlasses with brake bands fitted work
slightly differently. Please consult the manual for free fall
Why do I need a drum on
my windlass?
Lewmar's range of windlasses allows the drum to be operated separately
from the gypsy (independent warping). Once the primary rode is
secured, the clutch nut can be slackened off ½ a turn. Now when the
windlass is operated, only the drum will turn. This means that you can
use the drum when docking or for a secondary rope only rode.
Can I use a combination
rope chain rode on my boat?
Yes, All of Lewmar's High volume ranges of products take rope and
chain in the gypsy. The gypsy's are design to take a range of chains
and ropes without the need to remove the rope or chain from the gypsy
during recovery. This means you can use a spliced rode effortlessly,
reducing both weight and cost of the rode. Check the rope/chain chart
in the windlass section of the catalogue or your windlass manual for
the correct rope/chain and gypsy match.
Can I change the size
of the chain on my boat?
Yes, Lewmar make a range of different size gypsies that will handle a
wide range of good quality, calibrated chain. Check the rope/chain
chart in the windlass section of the catalogue or your windlass manual
for the correct rope/chain and gypsy match.
Obsolete Windlass Information
Simpson Lawrence to
Horizon 400 (serial
prefix 528)/Horizon 500 (serial prefix 529)
- Horizon 400 introduced 1999
- Discontinued around 2006
Closest direct replacement Pro-Sport
Horizon 600 (serial
prefix 540)/Horizon 900 (serial prefix 550)
- Metal gypsy. Gypsy & gypsy/drum
Closest direct replacements Pro-Series 700/1000
Horizon 600FF (serial
prefix 541)/Horizon 900FF (serial prefix 551)
- Metal gypsy. Gypsy & gypsy/drum
- Discontinued around 2006
Closest direct replacements Pro-Series 700/1000
Horizon 1000 (serial
prefix531/532) / Horizon 1500 (serial prefix 533/534
- Metal gypsy. Gypsy & gypsy/drum
- Discontinued around 2006
Closest direct replacement H2 (serial prefix 520)
Horizon Express
(serial prefix 536)
- Gypsy only.
- Discontinued around 2003
Closest direct replacement H3 (serial prefix 530)
Sprint 400 (serial
prefix 604)/Sprint 500 (serial prefix 605)
- Sprint 400 introduced 1999, Sprint 500
from 1998
- Plastic gypsy in Sprint 400; Sprint 500
can have either plastic or metal gypsy. Gypsy only
Closest direct replacement V700
Sprint 600 (serial
prefix 606) -> V700
- Metal gypsy. Gypsy only
- Sprint 600 introduced 1999
Closest direct replacement V700
Sprint 900
(serial prefix 437 –GD/438- GO) aka Anchorman Sprint 900
- Metal gypsy. Gypsy & gypsy/drum
- 12v only, 1000 watt motor, Max pull 880
Closest direct replacement V1
Sprint 1000 (serial
prefix 609 - GD/610 - GO)
- Metal gypsy. Gypsy & gypsy/drum
- Vertical motor. Spur gearbox
Closest direct replacement V1 - GYPSY ONLY
Sprint 1500 (serial
prefix 615 -GD/616 - GO) -> V2
- Gypsy & gypsy/drum
- Vertical motor. Spur gear box
Closest direct replacement V2
3000 (serial prefix
630 -GD/631 - GO: Sprint 3000A 632)
- Gypsy & gypsy/drum
- Vertical motor. Spur gear box series
wound motor
Closest direct replacement V4
Sprint Atlantic
(serial prefix 457 - GD/458 - GO) -> V2
- Gypsy & gypsy/drum
- Horizontal motor. Worm-gear transmission.
- Introduced 1997, Only marketed in US, was
superceded by Sprint 1000
Closest direct replacement V2
Anchorman 700/1000
(billed in 2000 catalog as 800 & 1000) (serial prefix 700 = 445/446; 1000 =
439/440) Anchorman 800 (serial prefix 435/436)
- Gypsy & gypsy/drum
- Anchorman 800 introduced 1995 to US
Closest direct replacement V1
Anchorman 1200
(serial prefix 447/448)
Closest direct replacement V2
Anchorman Power
(serial prefix 450)
Concept 0
New hole for the
V700 will take up all the existing holes for the installation.
Closest direct replacement V700
Concept 1
- Deck unit can be replaced with CPX 2
deck unit; hole pattern and shaft hole are the same.
- 3 wire motor
Closest direct replacement V2
- 3 wire motor post 1999, 2 wire motor
- V4 only requires new wiring
- V3 requires changing deck unit
Closest direct replacement V3/4
Concept 3
- 4 wire motor
- Closest direct replacement V700
Closest direct replacement V4
Discontinued Lewmar Windlass to Current Range
Series 3000
Closest direct replacement V3
Series 3500
Closest direct replacement V3
Series 4000
Closest direct replacement V4
Series 5000
Closest direct replacement V6