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ACR 2886 AISLink MOB Personal AIS Man Overboard Beacon

ACR 2886 AISLink MOB Personal AIS Man Overboard Beacon

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Brand New with Factory Warranty

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ACR 2886 AISLink MOB Personal AIS Man Overboard Beacon
c55933List Price: $US 351.95Price: $US 329.95

AISLink MOBPersonal Man Overboard Beacon

Model Number: 2886

Advanced Automatic Identification System (AIS) technology comes to the rescue with this compact and affordable man overboard beacon with integrated Digital Selective Calling (DSC) and GPS. Unlike a personal locator beacon, which signals orbiting search and rescue satellites, AISLink sends an alert message within seconds to all local vessels with an AIS receiver and/or AIS-enabled plotter and the DSC alarm on your vessel’s VHF can also be signaled.

The AISLink MOB may be configured by the user to enter the vessel's DSC MMSI number* by downloading the programming software to your Windows computer or by accessing the web based programming software. Click on the "Configure" link below to access either software version and then follow the on-screen instructions in order to configure the AISLink MOB. Additional configuration instructions can be found in the product manual.

Seconds count in a man overboard situation. The AISLink MOB automatically activates upon inflation of the lifejacket, sending an initial alert within 15 seconds to all AIS receivers and plotters in the vicinity. Both positioning and MOB emergency messages are transmitted alerting vessels up to 5 miles away of your emergency situation.

Even in moderate seas, it is alarming how quickly a visual sighting of a man overboard can be lost. The AISLink MOB’s integrated GPS quickly pinpoints a precise location and transmits this as part of the AIS alert message to all local AIS equipped vessels. The AISLink MOB also has the ability to alert your crew to the emergency by activating the DSC alarm on your vessel’s VHF. All AIS receivers and AIS-enabled plotters within a 5-mile radius (dependent on conditions) are alerted, and an integrated high-intensity strobe light assists with accurate positioning even in low light conditions. Powerful lithium metal batteries provide 24+ hours of operational life, and the high-impact housing can withstand a drop to water of 20m.


Note that most modern AIS plotters and DSC VHF units comply with the standards for receiving MOB transmissions. However, it is recommended that you check with your equipment manufacturer to ensure compatibility. DSC functionality may vary — or be disabled entirely — according to the regulations of individual countries.

Features and Benefits:

  • Dual alert via AIS and DSC
  • Onboard GPS for exceptional location accuracy
  • Simple life jacket integration
  • Manual or Automatic Activation
  • Alerts AIS equipped vessels up to 5 miles (4.3 NM) away
  • 24+ hours operational life and 7 Year battery life
  • Ultra bright LED strobe light
  • Rugged and Waterproof up to 10 meters


What test modes does the AISLink MOB have?

There are three test modes on the AISLink MOB; Functional, DSC and AIS/GPS.

The Functional test should be carried out once a month and will display the length of time the battery has been used for. It will also apply a load to the battery to test that the battery is not faulty or has been discharged. It carries out other functional tests on the electronic circuitry. It does not test the GPS or make test transmissions.

The DSC test should be carried out no more than two times a year. This test sends a single DSC transmission to the MMSI programmed into the AISLink MOB, which will be displayed on the vessels DSC radio. It does not send a Distress or Distres Relay call and the call does not contain the position.

The AIS test should be carried out no more than three times a year. This test activates the GPS receiver and after the position is determined it makes an AIS transmission, which will display on a suitable AIS receiver or chartplotter. The received AIS message will show the position determined by the AISLink MOB GPS receiver. There is also a transmission of the AIS text message containing the words “MOB TEST”. Note that this test must be done with the AISLink MOB in full view of the sky. Without a valid position, the AISLink MOB will not transmit any AIS messages.

The limitation on the number of tests a year is to ensure that the battery will still have its full operational life at the expiry date of the battery.

Why does my AISLink MOB show red flashes if I try to program the MMSI number?

If the unit fails to program, showing the flashing red LED on completion, please try again. Turn the AISLink MOB on in programming mode again and retry. There is no need to exit the programming screen on the program. If the programming page is showing, simply press F10 again to commence the programming sequence again.

If you are having problems programming your AISLink MOB, please check the following guidance.

1) Make sure that your screen brightness is set to maximum, using the controls on the monitor or device.

2) Ensure that you have commenced programming within 50 seconds of putting the AISLink MOB into programming mode. Failure to do this will cause the AISLink MOB to have turned off before communication starts. Note that once programming has commenced (The white box is flashing) the AISLink MOB should stay on until the programming sequence is completed.

3) Ensure that the AISLink MOB is placed over the white square with the rubber programming adaptor firmly touching the screen and with the aperture in the rubber close to the center of the white box.

4) Avoid programming the AISLink MOB in bright ambient light conditions. If necessary point the screen away from direct or bright sources of light such as sun through a window. (In extreme circumstances, especially with older screens that have lost their brightness, place a thick cloth over the screen and AISLink MOB to block out the ambient light.)

5) The AISLink MOB configuration software requires precise timing, which may be disrupted by other applications running at the same time, especially on slower computers. If you still encounter problems, try shutting down all un-necessary applications, including anti-virus software.

Which DSC radios are compatible with the AISLink MOB?

ACR recommends using one of the radios from the list below with the AISLink MOB. The following class D DSC radios have been tested in cooperation with the manufacturer and confirmed to receive the Individual Distress Relay call.

Current models; M91, M323, M423, M506
Older models; M411, M421, M505, M603

Simrad: RS90

Standard Horizon: GX1600E (Explorer); Newer models are also likely to work but have not been tested.

Class A DSC radios have always been able to receive this call and all models are believed to be compatible.

This list is not exhaustive and will be added to as more compatible models are confirmed.

ACR welcomes enquiries from other manufacturers wishing to have their radios listed here.

What DSC functions are allowed in my country?

The DSC functionality of the AISLink MOB is limited by regulations in each country. The list below indicates which functions you may expect.

AIS only: Canada, France, Denmark, Latvia

AIS + DSC Individual Distress Relay call plus group call sent after 30 minutes: USA

AIS + DSC Individual Distress Relay call only: Germany, Netherlands, United Kingdom

AIS + DSC Individual Distress Relay,All Ships Distress Alert (manual initiation): All other European countries

AIS + DSC Individual Distress Relay, All Ships Distress Alert, sent once on AISLink MOB activation and on manual initiation: Rest of the World.


Product Description Personal AIS Man Overboard Beacon Product Number 2886 Activation Method Manual or Automatic Activation Application Coastal Cruising, Sailing, Offshore Recreational, Commercial Marine Battery Life 7 Years from date of manufacture or after emergency use (24+ hours operational battery life) Waterproof 10 Meters Weight 0.2 lbs (92 g) Warranty 5 years GPS Enabled Yes Dimensions 4.52 x 1.81 x 1.06 in. (115 x 46 x 27 mm) Strobe LED Strobe Temperature Range (Operational & Storage) Operational: -4°F to +131°F (-20°C to +55°C), Storage: -22°F to +158°F (-30°C to +70°C) Frequency AIS channel 1- 161.975 MHz, AIS channel 2 - 162.025 MHz, DSC 156.525 MHz Transmit Power (EIRP) AIS: 1 Watt, DSC: 0.5 Watt Baud Rate AIS: 9600 Baud, DSC: 1200 Baud AIS Messages Message 1 (Position), Message 14 (MOB Status) AIS Repetition Interval 8 messages/minute (message 14 sent twice every 4 minutes) DSC Messages Individual Distress Relay (single call made on press of the activation button, in regions where it is allowed) DSC Repetition Interval Once every 5 minutes (Relay only) - See more at: https://www.acrartex.com/products/catalog/automatic-identification-systems-ais/mob/#sthash.aOQ0zweW.EBx2ldXL.dpuf
Product Description Personal AIS Man Overboard Beacon Product Number 2886 Activation Method Manual or Automatic Activation Application Coastal Cruising, Sailing, Offshore Recreational, Commercial Marine Battery Life 7 Years from date of manufacture or after emergency use (24+ hours operational battery life) Waterproof 10 Meters Weight 0.2 lbs (92 g) Warranty 5 years GPS Enabled Yes Dimensions 4.52 x 1.81 x 1.06 in. (115 x 46 x 27 mm) Strobe LED Strobe Temperature Range (Operational & Storage) Operational: -4°F to +131°F (-20°C to +55°C), Storage: -22°F to +158°F (-30°C to +70°C) Frequency AIS channel 1- 161.975 MHz, AIS channel 2 - 162.025 MHz, DSC 156.525 MHz Transmit Power (EIRP) AIS: 1 Watt, DSC: 0.5 Watt Baud Rate AIS: 9600 Baud, DSC: 1200 Baud AIS Messages Message 1 (Position), Message 14 (MOB Status) AIS Repetition Interval 8 messages/minute (message 14 sent twice every 4 minutes) DSC Messages Individual Distress Relay (single call made on press of the activation button, in regions where it is allowed) DSC Repetition Interval Once every 5 minutes (Relay only) - See more at: https://www.acrartex.com/products/catalog/automatic-identification-systems-ais/mob/#sthash.aOQ0zweW.EBx2ldXL.dpuf

Product Description Personal AIS Man Overboard Beacon

Product Number 2886

Activation Method Manual or Automatic Activation

Application Coastal Cruising, Sailing, Offshore Recreational, Commercial Marine

Battery Life 7 Years from date of manufacture or after emergency use (24+ hours operational battery life)

Waterproof 10 Meters

Weight 0.2 lbs (92 g)

Warranty 5 years

GPS Enabled Yes

Dimensions 4.52 x 1.81 x 1.06 in. (115 x 46 x 27 mm)

Strobe LED Strobe Temperature Range (Operational & Storage)

Operational: -4°F to +131°F (-20°C to +55°C), Storage: -22°F to +158°F (-30°C to +70°C)

Frequency AIS channel 1- 161.975 MHz, AIS channel 2 - 162.025 MHz, DSC 156.525 MHz

Transmit Power (EIRP) AIS: 1 Watt, DSC: 0.5 Watt

Baud Rate AIS: 9600 Baud, DSC: 1200 Baud

AIS Messages Message 1 (Position), Message 14 (MOB Status)

AIS Repetition Interval 8 messages/minute (message 14 sent twice every 4 minutes)

DSC Messages Individual Distress Relay (single call made on press of the activation button, in regions where it is allowed)

DSC Repetition Interval Once every 5 minutes (Relay only)


Limited Warranty

Your ACR Electronics MOB is warranted against manufacturing defects in materials and workmanship for a period of 5 years from the date of purchase and in accordance with the following conditions.

ACR Electronics will at its discretion, repair or replace faulty product free of charge excluding the cost of shipping. Proof of purchase shall be required in order for a warranty claim to be valid from the original purchaser. All claims shall be made in writing to ACR Electronics or an approved service dealer or distributor.

ACR Electronics shall not be liable to the buyer under the above warranty:

  • for any repairs or modifications carried out on the MOB using parts that are not supplied or approved by the manufacture ACR Electronics including batteries and for work carried out other than by ACR Electronics or approved service dealers,
  • for any part, material or accessory that is not manufactured by ACR Electronics the consumer will be covered by the guarantee / warranty offered to ACR Electronics by the manufacturer or supplier of such a component,
  • for product which has not been fully paid for,
  • for any product supplied by ACR Electronics to a customer under an alternative warranty or commercial agreement,
  • for the cost of shipping product to and from the customer.

The Battery is only warranted until the date of expiry and provided the unit is tested in accordance with the information in the user manual. This warranty does not apply to a used battery as indicated by the electronic witness (see section 6.1 of the user manual).

The following specific item is excluded from this warranty:

  • Damage to the antenna

This warranty does not affect your statutory rights. This warranty is to be interpreted under United States law.

What test modes does the AISLink MOB have?

There are three test modes on the AISLink MOB; Functional, DSC and AIS/GPS.

The Functional test should be carried out once a month and will display the length of time the battery has been used for. It will also apply a load to the battery to test that the battery is not faulty or has been discharged. It carries out other functional tests on the electronic circuitry. It does not test the GPS or make test transmissions.

The DSC test should be carried out no more than two times a year. This test sends a single DSC transmission to the MMSI programmed into the AISLink MOB, which will be displayed on the vessels DSC radio. It does not send a Distress or Distres Relay call and the call does not contain the position.

The AIS test should be carried out no more than three times a year. This test activates the GPS receiver and after the position is determined it makes an AIS transmission, which will display on a suitable AIS receiver or chartplotter. The received AIS message will show the position determined by the AISLink MOB GPS receiver. There is also a transmission of the AIS text message containing the words “MOB TEST”. Note that this test must be done with the AISLink MOB in full view of the sky. Without a valid position, the AISLink MOB will not transmit any AIS messages.

The limitation on the number of tests a year is to ensure that the battery will still have its full operational life at the expiry date of the battery.

Why does my AISLink MOB show red flashes if I try to program the MMSI number?

If the unit fails to program, showing the flashing red LED on completion, please try again. Turn the AISLink MOB on in programming mode again and retry. There is no need to exit the programming screen on the program. If the programming page is showing, simply press F10 again to commence the programming sequence again.

If you are having problems programming your AISLink MOB, please check the following guidance:

  1. Make sure that your screen brightness is set to maximum, using the controls on the monitor or device.
  2. Ensure that you have commenced programming within 50 seconds of putting the AISLink MOB into programming mode. Failure to do this will cause the AISLink MOB to have turned off before communication starts. Note that once programming has commenced (The white box is flashing) the AISLink MOB should stay on until the programming sequence is completed.
  3. Ensure that the AISLink MOB is placed over the white square with the rubber programming adaptor firmly touching the screen and with the aperture in the rubber close to the center of the white box.
  4. Avoid programming the AISLink MOB in bright ambient light conditions. If necessary point the screen away from direct or bright sources of light such as sun through a window. In extreme circumstances, especially with older screens that have lost their brightness, place a thick cloth over the screen and AISLink MOB to block out the ambient light.
  5. The AISLink MOB configuration software requires precise timing, which may be disrupted by other applications running at the same time, especially on slower computers. If you still encounter problems, try shutting down all un-necessary applications, including anti-virus software.

Which DSC radios are compatible with the AISLink MOB?

ACR recommends using one of the radios from the list below with the AISLink MOB. The following class D DSC radios have been tested in cooperation with the manufacturer and confirmed to receive the Individual Distress Relay call.


Current models; M91, M323, M423, M506

Older models; M411, M421, M505, M603

Simrad: RS90

Standard Horizon: The factory has confirmed the following models are compatible:


V4.xx (GX5500S only),


V5.xx (ALL)

V4.xx (GX2150/GX2000 only)

V1.xx (GX2200 only)


V4.xx (ALL)

V2.xx (ALL)


V2.xx (ALL)

V1.xx (ALL)


V1.xx (ALL)

Class A DSC radios have always been able to receive this call and all models are believed to be compatible.

This list is not exhaustive and will be added to as more compatible models are confirmed.

ACR welcomes enquiries from other manufacturers wishing to have their radios listed here.

What DSC functions are allowed in my country?

The DSC functionality of the AISLink MOB is limited by regulations in each country. The list below indicates which functions you may expect.

AIS only: Canada, France, Denmark, Latvia

AIS + DSC Individual Distress Relay call plus group call sent after 30 minutes: USA

AIS + DSC Individual Distress Relay call only: Germany, Netherlands, United Kingdom

AIS + DSC Individual Distress Relay,All Ships Distress Alert (manual initiation): All other European countries

AIS + DSC Individual Distress Relay, All Ships Distress Alert, sent once on AISLink MOB activation and on manual initiation: Rest of the World.


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**The price is subject to change at anytime without any notice.  We are not responsible for any typographical errors.  Any products can be cancelled from sale at any time.

** All Products sold here are Brand New unless specified Otherwise and come with Full Manufacturer's Warranty

WarningWARNING: This product can expose you to chemicals including Di-n-hexyl Phthalate (DnHP) which is known to the State of California to cause reproductive harm, and Vinyl Chloride which is known to the State of California to cause cancer. For more information go to P65Warnings.ca.gov. __________________________________________________________________________________________


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