Bennett ST16ATP Performance Sport Tab System with Auto Trim Pro
Bennett ST16ATP Performance Sport Tab System with Auto Trim Pro
12" x 16"
Manufactured with heavy-gauge reinforced stainless steel and powerful hydraulic
actuators. Performance Tabs combine strength, durability, and good looks to
achieve your boat’s maximum potential.
Features Include:
- Get on plane fast and stay on plane at intermediate speeds
- Correct listing and uneven loads
- Reduce pounding and eliminate porpoising
- Improve visibility and safety
- Low maintenance with long-term value
Kits Include:
- (1) Control unit (ATP)
- (2) Trim plane assemblies
- (2-4) Hydraulic actuators
- (1) Hydraulic power unit
- Hydraulic tubing and hardware
Introducing the new AutoTrim Pro for Electronic & Hydraulic Systems
AutoTrim Pro is an all-in-one trim tab control system designed for boats of
all sizes–packing in a boatload of essential features into an easy-to-use,
space-saving keypad.
How it Works
AutoTrim Pro automatically levels the pitch and roll of your boat, adjusting
your trim tabs to changes in vessel speed, sea conditions and shifting weight.
Enjoy the convenience of riding in auto mode, or shift to full manual mode
Ready to run more efficiently?
Smart Features for a Smoother Ride
- Auto Trim Tab Control automatically
reduces bow rise and corrects listing.
- Manual Tab Control puts you back in manual control at the
touch of a button.
- Trim Tab Position Indication alerts you to the position
and activity of the trim tabs.
- “All Up” and “All Down” Buttons allow for one-touch
manual adjustments.
- Automatic Tab Retraction protects tabs during storage
and trailering.
- OEM Customizable Response Time enables boat
builders to pre-configure reaction time.
The Convenience of Compatibility
Whether you have electric or hydraulic tabs, AutoTrim Pro can be added to all
existing Bennett systems (with minor modifications in some applications), and
most others as well. AutoTrim Pro is both 12 & 24 Volt capable
Installation at Your Fingertips
Download our Installation & User’s Guide for instruction on how to set up
your new ATP system. If you need further assistance with installation, we’re
just a phone call away.
The Ease of Plug and Play
With plug and play waterproof snap-on connectors, assembly is easy and
straightforward. Simply connect the helm display and the control unit.